Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Training ADD and Random Acts of Variety

MRKC Mark Reifkind uses the term "Random acts of variety" to describe training with no purpose - doing random exercises with no real objective - or at least no real focus. I have had, in the past, training ADD and if you follow the blog know that I have put myself on variety restriction. What my training has evolved into is:

2 days of the MRKC David Whitley's "Furnace" (one round with a 12kg, one round with a 16kg, one with a 20kg, and one with a 24kg - because each training session with the Furnace has two rounds)

1 day of Geoff Neupert's "Deep Six" (using the 12kg and 16kg - trying to work up to all 5 rounds with the 16kg.)

A couple of days of playing around with heavy deadlifts (usually 9 single sumo deadlifts with 2 48kg's) just because I love deadlifting.

I love this schedule. I feel like by sticking to the basics my RKC skills are staying sharp. I dont feel like my head is spinning trying to figure out what program to do and never actually doing anything purposeful.

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